Package 'ecotraj'

Title: Ecological Trajectory Analysis
Description: Assists ecologists in the analysis of temporal changes of ecosystems, defined as trajectories on a chosen multivariate space, by providing a set of trajectory metrics and visual representations [De Caceres et al. (2019) <doi:10.1002/ecm.1350>; and Sturbois et al. (2021) <doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2020.109400>]. Includes functions to estimate metrics for individual trajectories (length, directionality, angles, ...) as well as metrics to relate pairs of trajectories (dissimilarity and convergence). Functions are also provided to estimate the ecological quality of ecosystem with respect to reference conditions [Sturbois et al. (2023) <doi:10.1002/ecs2.4726>].
Authors: Miquel De Cáceres [aut, cre] , Anthony Sturbois [aut], Javier De la Casa [ctb]
Maintainer: Miquel De Cáceres <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.2.0
Built: 2024-11-24 05:11:00 UTC

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Avoca permanent plot dataset


Example dataset with data from 8 permanent forest plots located on slopes of a valley in the New Zealand Alps. The study area is mountainous and centered on the Craigieburn Range (Southern Alps), South Island, New Zealand. Forests plots are almost monospecific, being the mountain beech (Fuscospora cliffortioides) the main dominant tree species. Previously forests consisted of largely mature stands, but some of them were affected by different disturbances during the sampling period (1972-2009) which includes 9 surveys.


Three data items are included:


An object of class stratifiedvegdata (see function stratifyvegdata from package 'vegclust') with structural and compositional data.


A vector identifying sampled sites of each element in avoca_strat.


A vector identifying surveys of each element in avoca_strat.


New Zealand National Vegetation Survey (NVS) Databank (


Allen, R. B., P. J. Bellingham, and S. K. Wiser. 1999. Immediate damage by an earthquake to a temperate montane forest. Ecology 80:708–714.

Harcombe, P. A., R. B. Allen, J. A. Wardle, and K. H. Platt. 1998. Spatial and temporal patterns in stand structure, biomass, growth and mortality in a monospecific Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook. f.) Poole forest in New Zealand. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 6:313–343.

Hurst, J. M., R. B. Allen, D. A. Coomes, and R. P. Duncan. 2011. Size-specific tree mortality varies with neighbourhood crowding and disturbance in a montane Nothofagus forest. PLoS ONE 6.

furseals dataset


This is a subset of a data sets from Kernaléguen et al. (2015).


furseals is an object of class data.frame composed of 1414 observations and 8 variables.


Fur seal ID used by Sturbois et al. (under review), from 1 to 47


Fur seal ID used by Kernaléguen et al. (2015) in the initial data set.


Fur seal species: the Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella or the subantarctic fur seal A. tropicalis.


Fur seal gender, either 'Male' or 'Female'.


Number of the whisker sections from 1 to 30.


Breeding place: Crozet, Amsterdam or Kerguelen


delta 13C value


delta 15N value


Briefly, fur seals the Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella and subantarctic fur seal A. tropicalis whisker SI values yield unique long-term information on individual behaviour which integrates the spatial, trophic and temporal dimensions of the ecological niche. The foraging strategies of this two species of sympatric fur seals were examined in the winter 2001/2002 at Crozet, Amsterdam and Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean) using the stable isotope values of serially sampled whiskers. The subset of the initial data set is composed of consecutive whisker sections (3 mm-long) starting from the proximal (facial) end, with the most recently synthesized tissue remaining under the skin. Only individuals (n = 47) with whiskers totalizing at least 30 sections were selected in the initail data, and only those 30 sections were selected.


Kernaléguen, L., Arnould, J.P.Y., Guinet, C., Cherel, Y.


Kernaléguen, L., Arnould, J.P.Y., Guinet, C., Cherel, Y., 2015. Determinants of individual foraging specialization inlarge marine vertebrates, the Antarctic and subantarctic fur seals. Journal of Animal Ecology 1081–1091.

Glenan dataset


Maerl bed data set to illustrate Ecological Quality Assessment (EQA)


Glenan is an object of class data.frame composed of 32 observations and 252 variables.


Abundance (number of individuals) of each taxon x


Indicates different Maerl bed surveys.


Combinations of fishing dredges and pressure levels. 'CTRL' stands for control. Fishing dredges are:

  • (1) a clam dredge (CD), 70 to 90 kg, 1.5 m wide, 40 teeth of 11 cm each;

  • (2) a queen scallop dredge (QSD), 120 kg,1.8 m wide, with a blade;

  • (3) a king scallop dredge (KSD), 190 kg, 1.8 m wide, 18 teeth of 10 cm each every 9 cm.


Experimental data set built by Tauran et al. (2020) to study the impact of fishing dredges and varying fishing pressures on maerl beds, in the bay of Brest (Brittany, France).


Tauran, A., Dubreuil, J., Guyonnet, B., Grall, J., 2020. Impact of fishing gears and fishing intensities on maerl beds: An experimental approach. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 533, 151472.

See Also


Glomel vegetation dataset


Vegetation data set to illustrate Ecological Quality Assessment (EQA)


Glomel is an object of class data.frame composed of 23 observations and 46 variables.


Station ID.


Logical flag to indicate stations used to define the reference envelope.


Comments regarding the quality of the ecosystem.


Percent cover values (derived from Braun-Blanquet ordinal scale) for 43 species of vascular plants.


The nature reserve of Landes et Marais de Glomel (Brittany, France) is composed of temperate Atlantic wet heaths whose reference state is commonly considered dominated by plant communities associated to acid, nutrient poor soils that are at least seasonally water logged and dominated by Erica tetralix and E. ciliaris. The data set consists of 23 rows and 46 columns. The first five stations (rows) were used to define the reference envelope, and the next 18 stations (rows) where those for which the conservation status was to be assessed.


Aline Bifolchi, Réserve Naturelle des landes et marais de Glomel

See Also


heatmapdata dataset


Espinasse et al. (2020) tested the application of isoscapes modelled from satellite data to the description of secondary production in the Northeast pacific. The output model fits in a 0.25° x 0.25° spatial grid covering the region spanning from 46 to 62°N and from 195 to 235°E and supporting delta 13C and delta 15N isoscapes from 1998 to 2017.


heatmapdata is an object of class dataframe composed of 9206 observations of 9 variables.


Latitude coordinate of the station, in degrees


Longitude coordinate of the station, in degrees


delta 13C modelled value


delta 15N modelled value


Station ID


Period corresponding to the calculation of trajectory metrics


Angle alpha (i.e direction) in the stable isotope space


Net change values (i.e direction) in the stable isotope space


Angle alpha values (i.e direction) in the stable isotope space transformed for a potential use with function geom_spoke


This data sets is composed of trajectory metrics calculated by Sturbois et al. (2021) for all stations within all inter-annual consecutive periods between 1998 and 2017 calculated from the whole data set of Espinasse et al. (2020) for a 1° x 1° spatial grid.


Espinasse, B., Hunt, B.P.V., Batten, S.D., Pakhomov, E.A.


Espinasse, B., Hunt, B.P.V., Batten, S.D., Pakhomov, E.A., 2020. Defining isoscapes in the Northeast Pacific as an index of ocean productivity. Global Ecol Biogeogr 29, 246–261.

See Also


isoscape dataset


This data sets is a subset from Espinasse et al. (2020).


isoscape is an object of class dataframe composed of 978 observations of 6 variables.


Latitude coordinate of the station, in degrees


Longitude coordinate of the station, in degrees


delta 13C modelled value


delta 15N modelled value


station ID


Year corresponding to modelled stable isotope values


Briefly, Espinasse et al. (2020) tested the application of isoscapes modelled from satellite data to the description of secondary production in the Northeast pacific. The output model fits in a 0.25° x 0.25° spatial grid covering the region spanning from 46 to 62°N and from 195 to 235°E and supporting delta 13C and delta 15N isoscapes from 1998 to 2017. The subset is composed of modelled delta 13C and delta 15N values of a 1° x 1° spatial grid from the original modelled dataset for 2013 and 2015.


Espinasse, B., Hunt, B.P.V., Batten, S.D., Pakhomov, E.A.


Espinasse, B., Hunt, B.P.V., Batten, S.D., Pakhomov, E.A., 2020. Defining isoscapes in the Northeast Pacific as an index of ocean productivity. Global Ecol Biogeogr 29, 246–261.

See Also


pike dataset


This data sets comes from Cucherousset et al. (2013).


pike is an object of class dataframe composed of 58 observations of 10 variables.


Initial trophic status at release


ID used for each individual by Cucherousset et al. (2013)


Time of the stable isotope measurement: 1 (Release) or 2 (Departure)


Time of the stable isotope measurement as string, either 'Release' or 'Departure'


Date of release (common for all individuals) or recapture (variable dependind of the date of departure)


Size (length) of juvenile pike, in mm


delta 13C values


delta 15N values


Number of days between the release and the recapture


Trophic status at the end of the study


Briefly, Cucherousset et al. (2013) released 192 individually tagged, hatchery-raised, juvenile pike (Esox lucius L.) with variable initial trophic position (fin delta 13C/delta 15N values). Based on delta values, individuals were classified into zooplanktivorous (delta 15N < 10 ‰) and piscivorous (delta 15N > 10 ‰) as cannibalism is commonly observed in this species. Individuals were released in a temporarily flooded grassland where pike eggs usually hatch of the Brière marsh (France) to identify the determinants of juvenile natal departure. The release site was connected through a unique point to an adjacent pond used as a nursery habitat. Fish were continuously recaptured when migrating from flooded grassland to adjacent pond. Recaptured individuals (n = 29) were anaesthetized, checked for tags, measured for fork length, fin-clipped to quantify changes in delta 13C and delta 15N values, and released.


Cucherousset, J., Paillisson, J.-M., Roussel, J.-M.


Cucherousset, J., Paillisson, J.-M., Roussel, J.-M., 2013. Natal departure timing from spatially varying environments is dependent of individual ontogenetic status. Naturwissenschaften 100, 761–768.

Ecological quality assessment


Functions to assess the variability of ecological reference envelopes and to assess the ecological quality of target stations/observations with respect to reference envelopes (Sturbois et al., under review).


  surveys = NULL,
  envelope = NULL, = NULL, = 0.05,

stateEnvelopeVariability(d, envelope = NULL, = NULL, = 0.05)

  surveys = NULL,
  m = 1.5,
  comparison_target = "trajectories",
  distances_to_envelope = FALSE,
  distance_percentiles = FALSE,

  m = 1.5, = NULL, = 0.05,
  distances_to_envelope = FALSE,
  distance_percentiles = FALSE,



A symmetric matrix or an object of class dist containing the distance values between pairs of ecosystem states (see details).


A vector indicating the site corresponding to each ecosystem state.


A vector indicating the survey corresponding to each ecosystem state (only necessary when surveys are not in order).


A vector indicating the set of sites that conform the reference envelope (other sites will be compared to the envelope)

Number of bootstrap samples for confidence intervals. If = NULL then confidence intervals are not estimated.

Error in confidence intervals.


Additional parameters for function trajectoryDistances


Fuzziness exponent for quality value assessment


String indicating the component to be compared to the reference envelope. Either 'trajectories' (to compare complete trajectories) or 'states' (to compare individual trajectory states).


Flag to indicate that distances to envelope should be included in the result


Flag to include the percentage of distances to the envelope (among sites corresponding to the reference) that are smaller than that of the site.


Functions stateEnvelopeVariability and trajectoryEnvelopeVariability are used to assess the variability of reference envelopes. Functions compareToStateEnvelope and compareToTrajectoryEnvelope are used to evaluate the ecological quality of stations/observations with respect to a predefined reference envelope.


  • Functions stateEnvelopeVariability and trajectoryEnvelopeVariability are used to assess the

  • Functions compareToStateEnvelope and compareToTrajectoryEnvelope return data frame with columns identifying the envelope and the Q statistic for the ecological quality with respect to the envelope. If != NULL extra columns are added to indicate the boundaries of a confidence interval for Q, built using bootstrap samples of the reference envelope.


Miquel De Cáceres, CREAF

Anthony Sturbois, Vivarmor nature, Réserve Naturelle nationale de la Baie de Saint-Brieuc


Sturbois, A., De Cáceres, M., Bifolchi, A., Bioret, F., Boyé, A., Gauthier, O., Grall, J., Grémare, A., Labrune, C., Robert, A., Schaal, G., Desroy, N. (2023). Ecological Quality Assessment: a general multivariate framework to report the quality of ecosystems and their dynamics with respect to reference conditions. Ecosphere.

See Also

trajectorymetrics, glomel


# Extract compositional data matrix
glomel_comp <- as.matrix(glomel[,!(names(glomel) %in% c("ID", "Ref", "Complementary"))])
rownames(glomel_comp) <- glomel$ID
# Calculate Bray-Curtis distance matrix 
glomel_bc <- vegan::vegdist(glomel_comp, method = "bray")
# Define reference envelope (5 stations) by observation ID
glomel_env <- glomel$ID[glomel$Ref]
# Assess quality with respect to reference envelope
compareToStateEnvelope(glomel_bc, glomel_env)

Metrics for Ecological Trajectory Analysis


Ecological Trajectory Analysis (ETA) is a framework to analyze dynamics of ecosystems described as trajectories in a chosen space of multivariate resemblance (De Cáceres et al. 2019). ETA takes trajectories as objects to be analyzed and compared geometrically.


  surveys = NULL,
  distance.type = "directed-segment",
  add = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE

  surveys = NULL,
  distance.type = "DSPD",
  symmetrization = "mean",
  add = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE

  surveys = NULL,
  relativeToInitial = FALSE,
  all = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE

  relativeToInitial = FALSE,
  all = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE

  surveys = NULL,
  all = FALSE,
  relativeToInitial = FALSE,
  stats = TRUE,
  add = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE

  relativeToInitial = FALSE,
  betweenSegments = TRUE

trajectoryProjection(d, target, trajectory, tol = 1e-06, add = TRUE)

  surveys = NULL,
  symmetric = FALSE,
  add = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE

trajectoryDirectionality(d, sites, surveys = NULL, add = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)



A symmetric matrix or an object of class dist containing the distance values between pairs of ecosystem states (see details).


A vector indicating the site corresponding to each ecosystem state.


A vector indicating the survey corresponding to each ecosystem state (only necessary when surveys are not in order).


The type of distance index to be calculated (Besse et al. 2016; De Cáceres et al. submitted). For segmentDistances the available indices are:

  • Hausdorff: Hausdorff distance between two segments.

  • directed-segment: Directed segment distance (default).

  • PPA: Perpendicular-parallel-angle distance.

whereas for trajectoryDistances the available indices are:

  • Hausdorff: Hausdorff distance between two trajectories.

  • SPD: Segment path distance.

  • DSPD: Directed segment path distance (default).


Flag to indicate that constant values should be added (local transformation) to correct triplets of distance values that do not fulfill the triangle inequality.


Provides console output informing about process (useful for large dataset).


Function used to obtain a symmetric distance, so that DSPD(T1,T2) = DSPD(T2,T1) (e.g., mean or min). If symmetrization = NULL then the symmetrization is not conducted and the output dissimilarity matrix is not symmetric.


Flag to indicate that lengths or angles should be calculated with respect to initial survey.


A flag to indicate that angles are desired for all triangles (i.e. all pairs of segments) in the trajectory. If FALSE, angles are calculated for consecutive segments only.


Matrix with 2D coordinates in a Cartesian space (typically an ordination of ecosystem states).


A flag to indicate that circular statistics are desired (mean, standard deviation and mean resultant length, i.e. rho)


Flag to indicate that angles should be calculated between trajectory segments or with respect to X axis.


An integer vector of the ecosystem states to be projected.


An integer vector of the trajectory onto which target states are to be projected.


Numerical tolerance value to determine that projection of a point lies within the trajectory.


A logical flag to indicate a symmetric convergence comparison of trajectories.


Given a distance matrix between ecosystem states, the set of functions that provide ETA metrics are:

  • Functions segmentDistances and trajectoryDistances calculate the distance between pairs of directed segments and ecosystem trajectories, respectively.

  • Function trajectoryLengths calculates lengths of directed segments and total path lengths of trajectories.

  • Function trajectoryLengths2D calculates lengths of directed segments and total path lengths of trajectories from 2D coordinates given as input.

  • Function trajectoryAngles calculates the angle between consecutive pairs of directed segments or between segments of ordered triplets of points.

  • Function trajectoryAngles2D calculates the angle between consecutive pairs of directed segments or between segments of ordered triplets of points.

  • Function trajectoryProjection projects a set of target points onto a specified trajectory and returns the distance to the trajectory (i.e. rejection) and the relative position of the projection point within the trajectory.

  • Function trajectoryConvergence performs the Mann-Kendall trend test on the distances between trajectories (symmetric test) or the distance between points of one trajectory to the other.

  • Function trajectoryDirectionality returns (for each trajectory) a statistic that measures directionality of the whole trajectory.

Details of calculations are given in De Cáceres et al (2019). The input distance matrix d should ideally be metric. That is, all subsets of distance triplets should fulfill the triangle inequality (see utility function is.metric). All ETA functions that require metricity include a parameter 'add', which by default is TRUE, meaning that whenever the triangle inequality is broken the minimum constant required to fulfill it is added to the three distances. If such local (an hence, inconsistent across triplets) corrections are not desired, users should find another way modify d to achieve metricity, such as PCoA, metric MDS or non-metric MDS (see vignette 'Introduction to Ecological Trajectory Analysis'). If parameter 'add' is set to FALSE and problems of triangle inequality exist, ETA functions may provide missing values in some cases where they should not.

The resemblance between trajectories is done by adapting concepts and procedures used for the analysis of trajectories in space (i.e. movement data) (Besse et al. 2016).

Function trajectoryAngles calculates angles between consecutive segments in degrees. For each pair of segments, the angle between the two is defined on the plane that contains the two segments, and measures the change in direction (in degrees) from one segment to the other. Angles are always positive, with zero values indicating segments that are in a straight line, and values equal to 180 degrees for segments that are in opposite directions. If all = TRUE angles are calculated between the segments corresponding to all ordered triplets. Alternatively, if relativeToInitial = TRUE angles are calculated for each segment with respect to the initial survey.

Function trajectoryAngles2D calculates angles between consecutive segments in degrees from 2D coordinates given as input. For each pair of segments, the angle between the two is defined on the plane that contains the two segments, and measures the change in direction (in degrees) from one segment to the other. Angles are always positive (O to 360), with zero values indicating segments that are in a straight line, and values equal to 180 degrees for segments that are in opposite directions. If all = TRUE angles are calculated between the segments corresponding to all ordered triplets. Alternatively, if relativeToInitial = TRUE angles are calculated for each segment with respect to the initial survey. If betweenSegments = TRUE angles are calculated between segments of trajectory, otherwise, If betweenSegments = FALSE, angles are calculated considering Y axis as the North (0°).


Function trajectoryDistances returns an object of class dist containing the distances between trajectories (if symmetrization = NULL then the object returned is of class matrix).

Function trajectorySegments returns a list with the following elements:

  • Dseg: Distance matrix between segments.

  • Dini: Distance matrix between initial points of segments.

  • Dfin: Distance matrix between final points of segments.

  • Dinifin: Distance matrix between initial points of one segment and the final point of the other.

  • Dfinini: Distance matrix between final points of one segment and the initial point of the other.

Function trajectoryLengths returns a data frame with the length of each segment on each trajectory and the total length of all trajectories. If relativeToInitial = TRUE lengths are calculated between the initial survey and all the other surveys. If all = TRUE lengths are calculated for all segments.

Function trajectoryLengths2D returns a data frame with the length of each segment on each trajectory and the total length of all trajectories. If relativeToInitial = TRUE lengths are calculated between the initial survey and all the other surveys. If all = TRUE lengths are calculated for all segments.

Function trajectoryAngles returns a data frame with angle values on each trajectory. If stats=TRUE, then the mean, standard deviation and mean resultant length of those angles are also returned.

Function trajectoryAngles2D returns a data frame with angle values on each trajectory. If betweenSegments=TRUE, then angles are calculated between trajectory segments, alternatively, If betweenSegments=FALSE, angles are calculated considering Y axis as the North (0°).

Function trajectoryProjection returns a data frame with the following columns:

  • distanceToTrajectory: Distances to the trajectory, i.e. rejection (NA for target points whose projection is outside the trajectory).

  • segment: Segment that includes the projected point (NA for target points whose projection is outside the trajectory).

  • relativePosition: Relative position of the projected point within the trajectory, i.e. values from 0 to 1 with 0 representing the start of the trajectory and 1 representing the end (NA for target points whose projection is outside the trajectory).

Function trajectoryConvergence returns a list with two elements:

  • tau: A matrix with the statistic (Mann-Kendall's tau) of the convergence/divergence test between trajectories. If symmetric=TRUE then the matrix is square. Otherwise the statistic of the test of the row trajectory approaching the column trajectory.

  • p.value: A matrix with the p-value of the convergence/divergence test between trajectories. If symmetric=TRUE then the matrix is square. Otherwise the p-value indicates the test of the row trajectory approaching the column trajectory.

Function trajectoryDirectionality returns a vector with directionality values (one per trajectory).


Miquel De Cáceres, CREAF

Anthony Sturbois, Vivarmor nature, Réserve Naturelle nationale de la Baie de Saint-Brieuc


Besse, P., Guillouet, B., Loubes, J.-M. & François, R. (2016). Review and perspective for distance based trajectory clustering. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 17, 3306–3317.

De Cáceres M, Coll L, Legendre P, Allen RB, Wiser SK, Fortin MJ, Condit R & Hubbell S. (2019). Trajectory analysis in community ecology. Ecological Monographs 89, e01350.

See Also

trajectoryplots, trajectoryutils


#Description of sites and surveys
sites = c(1,1,1,2,2,2)
#Raw data table
xy<-matrix(0, nrow=6, ncol=2)
xy[4:6,1] <- 0.5
xy[4:6,2] <- xy[1:3,2]
#Draw trajectories
trajectoryPlot(xy, sites, surveys, 
               traj.colors = c("black","red"), lwd = 2)

#Distance matrix
d = dist(xy)
trajectoryLengths(d, sites, surveys)
trajectoryLengths2D(xy, sites, surveys)
trajectoryAngles(d, sites, surveys)
trajectoryAngles2D(xy, sites, surveys, betweenSegments = TRUE)
trajectoryAngles2D(xy, sites, surveys, betweenSegments = FALSE)
segmentDistances(d, sites, surveys)$Dseg
trajectoryDistances(d, sites, surveys, distance.type = "Hausdorff")
trajectoryDistances(d, sites, surveys, distance.type = "DSPD")
#Should give the same results if surveys are not in order 
#(here we switch surveys for site 2)
temp = xy[5,]
xy[5,] = xy[6,]
xy[6,] = temp
surveys[5] = 3
surveys[6] = 2
trajectoryPlot(xy, sites, surveys, 
               traj.colors = c("black","red"), lwd = 2)   
trajectoryLengths(dist(xy), sites, surveys)
trajectoryLengths2D(xy, sites, surveys)
segmentDistances(dist(xy), sites, surveys)$Dseg
trajectoryAngles(dist(xy), sites, surveys)
trajectoryAngles2D(xy, sites, surveys, betweenSegments = TRUE)
trajectoryAngles2D(xy, sites, surveys, betweenSegments = FALSE)
trajectoryDistances(dist(xy), sites, surveys, distance.type = "Hausdorff")
trajectoryDistances(dist(xy), sites, surveys, distance.type = "DSPD")

Trajectory plots


Set of plotting functions for Ecological Trajectory Analysis:


  surveys = NULL,
  selection = NULL,
  traj.colors = NULL,
  axes = c(1, 2),
  survey.labels = FALSE,

  surveys = NULL,
  selection = NULL,
  traj.colors = NULL,
  axes = c(1, 2),
  survey.labels = FALSE,



A symmetric matrix or an object of class dist containing the distance values between pairs of ecosystem states (see details).


A vector indicating the site corresponding to each ecosystem state.


A vector indicating the survey corresponding to each ecosystem state (only necessary when surveys are not in order).


A character vector of sites, a numeric vector of site indices or logical vector of the same length as sites, indicating a subset of site trajectories to be selected.


A vector of colors (one per site). If selection != NULL the length of the color vector should be equal to the number of sites selected.


The pair of principal coordinates to be plotted.


A boolean flag to indicate whether surveys should be plotted as text next to arrow endpoints


Additional parameters for function arrows.


A data.frame or matrix where rows are ecosystem states and columns are coordinates in an arbitrary space


  • Function trajectoryPCoA performs principal coordinates analysis (cmdscale) and draws trajectories in the ordination scatterplot.

  • Function trajectoryPlot Draws trajectories in a scatterplot corresponding to the input coordinates.

Details of calculations are given in De Cáceres et al (2019). The input distance matrix d should ideally be metric. That is, all subsets of distance triplets should fulfill the triangle inequality (see function is.metric). All CTA functions that require metricity include a parameter 'add', which by default is TRUE, meaning that whenever the triangle inequality is broken the minimum constant required to fulfill it is added to the three distances. If such local (an hence, inconsistent across triplets) corrections are not desired, users should find another way modify d to achieve metricity, such as PCoA, metric MDS or non-metric MDS (see CTA vignette). If parameter 'add' is set to FALSE and problems of triangle inequality exist, CTA functions may provide missing values in some cases where they should not.

The resemblance between trajectories is done by adapting concepts and procedures used for the analysis of trajectories in space (i.e. movement data) (Besse et al. 2016).


Function trajectoryPCoA returns the result of calling cmdscale.


Miquel De Cáceres, CREAF

Anthony Sturbois, Vivarmor nature, Réserve Naturelle nationale de la Baie de Saint-Brieuc


Besse, P., Guillouet, B., Loubes, J.-M. & François, R. (2016). Review and perspective for distance based trajectory clustering. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 17, 3306–3317.

De Cáceres M, Coll L, Legendre P, Allen RB, Wiser SK, Fortin MJ, Condit R & Hubbell S. (2019). Trajectory analysis in community ecology. Ecological Monographs 89, e01350.

Anderson (2017). Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA). Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online. 1-15. Article ID: stat07841.

See Also

trajectorymetrics, trajectoryutils, cmdscale


#Description of sites and surveys
sites = c(1,1,1,2,2,2)
#Raw data table
xy<-matrix(0, nrow=6, ncol=2)
xy[4:6,1] <- 0.5
xy[4:6,2] <- xy[1:3,2]
#Draw trajectories
trajectoryPlot(xy, sites, surveys, 
               traj.colors = c("black","red"), lwd = 2)

#Should give the same results if surveys are not in order 
#(here we switch surveys for site 2)
temp = xy[5,]
xy[5,] = xy[6,]
xy[6,] = temp
surveys[5] = 3
surveys[6] = 2
trajectoryPlot(xy, sites, surveys, 
               traj.colors = c("black","red"), lwd = 2)

Trajectory smoothing


Trajectory smoothing using a Gaussian kernel


  surveys = NULL,
  survey_times = NULL,
  kernel_scale = 1,
  fixed_endpoints = TRUE



A symmetric matrix or an object of class dist containing the distance values between pairs of ecosystem states.


A vector indicating the site corresponding to each ecosystem state.


A vector indicating the survey corresponding to each ecosystem state (only necessary when surveys are not in order).


A vector indicating the survey time for all surveys (if NULL, time between consecutive surveys is considered to be one)


Scale of the Gaussian kernel, related to survey times


A logical flag to force keeping the location of trajectory endpoints unmodified


An object of class dist

Utility functions for Ecological Trajectory Analysis


The set following set of utility functions are provided:

  • Function trajectorySelection allows selecting the submatrix of distances corresponding to a given subset of trajectories.

  • Function centerTrajectories shifts all trajectories to the center of the compositional space and returns a modified distance matrix.

  • Function is.metric checks whether the input dissimilarity matrix is metric (i.e. all triplets fulfill the triangle inequality).


trajectorySelection(d, sites, selection)

centerTrajectories(d, sites, verbose = FALSE)

is.metric(d, tol = 1e-04)



A symmetric matrix or an object of class dist containing the distance values between pairs of ecosystem states (see details).


A vector indicating the site corresponding to each ecosystem state.


A character vector of sites, a numeric vector of site indices or logical vector of the same length as sites, indicating a subset of site trajectories to be selected.


Provides console output informing about process (useful for large dataset).


Tolerance value for metricity


Details of calculations are given in De Cáceres et al (2019). Function centerTrajectories performs centering of trajectories using matrix algebra as explained in Anderson (2017).


Function centerTrajectories and trajectorySelection return an object of class dist.


Miquel De Cáceres, CREAF


De Cáceres M, Coll L, Legendre P, Allen RB, Wiser SK, Fortin MJ, Condit R & Hubbell S. (2019). Trajectory analysis in community ecology. Ecological Monographs 89, e01350.

Anderson (2017). Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA). Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online. 1-15. Article ID: stat07841.

See Also

trajectoryplots trajectorymetrics